Thursday, July 30, 2020

INTRO POST: Why a Blog in an Age of Videos & Podcasts?

Sound-bytes are king and podcasts are quickly becoming everyone’s favorite pastime so why a written blog? Short answer—it makes the writers better writers and the readers better readers.
  1. For the writer: One depends less on appearance and effects and more on the content. For example, in a video of little kids dressed as circus clowns one can easily depend on Celine Dion singing "My Heart Will Go On" in the background to achieve the desired emotional result. In a blog this is impossible for the words stand alone and on their own merit. 
  2. For the reader: You are better able to fully understand the writer's viewpoint in its entire context as opposed to merely being struck by a single, mic-dropping, ear-tingling one liner. In addition, within a video or podcast, one is less likely to rewind and go back to a line you may not understand whereas with a blog that line you previously read is still right there in front of you.
With these thoughts in mind, each month this blog will be focusing on a different topic. The first week Ben or Stephen will give a certain viewpoint on the topic while the other takes the third week. Weeks 2 and 4 will then consist of Ben & Stephen's responses to the other's viewpoint. We hope this format will not only give you a glimpse into our discussion but will also enhance yours! We welcome you to add to our discussions in the comments section of each blog. Why? Because we understand that truth exists but we readily admit it might not always exist within the shouting of the crowds or even in the opinion of our own selves. Therefore, we welcome YOU to Middlings!